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The National Centre for Local Civil Service

INET is part of the Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT, National Centre for Public Territorial Function). The main aim of this public institution is to provide professional training for French regional civil servants, throughout their careers.  

CNFPT is a partner to the French regional authorities for training and employment. Another of the CNFPT’s objectives is to observe and anticipate changes in regional public services. 

Training for all regional public officials

In France, the local authorities (regional, departmental, cities etc.) employ nearly 2 million regional civil servants to carry out the public service projects conferred to them by the State. Regional public services bring together all of these officials and are therefore characterised by a very high diversity of professions (over 250 different professions).

CNFPT’s mission is to provide training to all these regional civil servants throughout their career. It aims to:

  • enable every participant to develop his/her skills and advance professionally;
  • give authorities the means to provide effective local public services, based on a set of shared values.

CNFPT offers a wide range of training provisions that best meet the needs of the regional public service officials and that address the problems and professional realities they experience. Our institute is the first choice for the regional authorities, on a daily basis, and trains nearly one million regional civil servants every year. 

An institute close to the regions

CNFPT is present across the French territory, with more than 90 local offices. This network allows it to:

  • design training programmes that best meet the needs of regional authorities and that answer to the specific needs of each profession;
  • provide access to training throughout the career of every regional civil servant, whatever their work status, age, geographical situation, level of qualification, and whatever the size of the authority they work for.
Map: local CNFPT presence on French territory
Map : local CNFPT presence on French territory


Observing and participating in local life

Another of CNFPT’s goals is to observe the developments in the professions, practices and skills of regional public services. It produces reference information on regional public services which is then made available to the local authorities.

Every year, it also produces many qualitative and quantitative studies through monitoring and assessment work:

  • dynamic analyses of the local authority professions,
  • statistical and prospective studies of the different fields of action for public policies,
  • impact assessments of laws and regulations,
  • practical and methodological guides etc.

CNFPT thus puts its expertise to the service of the authorities and contributes to reflection and debate on the future of regional public service.